Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The State Of Our Union

Well, The state of our #union is in a damn disgrace!

and with that said, I understand that there are great folks in our unions, but where I am from, in my union? Most folks have not a clue what union is. They have no connection to the past struggles and historical power that we once had. Most workers don't understand the democratic process they own.. Many of them have not had a shirt, hat, pencil or a hand shake sent to them in years. They are not connected to it. It has been sold as a service... for a reason.. we represent.. you pay.. 

That's why it's hard to wave that flag these days.

I wrote this tune back during the Presidential election cycle of 2012, and while working on the Sandy Pope campaign in the Teamsters union. This line is a reference to the frustrations of a friend of mine who is a legislative representative in the *Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. He tries to "talk union" to a bunch of southern railroaders. In coal country. In Mitch's land. The land where Rand does resonate. The land of the creation museum. In the church of what Upton Sinclair called "The Boot strap lifters" He tries to wave the union flag in the south...

*Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen = Red headed step child of the Teamsters.

People are tired of loosing everything they've worked for.. mm hmmm... 

but, there is this line... and it is true, and to organize in the south, we must find a way to make that the central key issue. People are not getting ahead. Folks want to be proud of what they do. Folks want to be proud to be in the club. I know a bunch of railroaders who are very proud of their "craft." Proud to work for a multi-national conglomerate? no.. not so much.. especially a company that tramples on their hippa rights.. hey.. #railroaded.... FMLA

And just about ready to throw the union out the door. 

Oh Kentucky! is just about ripe for a right to work campaign. And.. I think that the big business unions have wanted people to cry tears for them for too long. Sure, I'm a union supporter, but cry me a river.. the unions have been beat up on.. sure.. all that, but there is a serious conversation and reforms that need to me made. The bottom wants them.. the reforms that is.. but.. talk that shit.. like salary caps, term limits.. and you will be.. left in the *Jim Crow style majority.. 

*when a minority learns to manipulate the democracy through keeping the specifics hidden away from the membership.. creating obstacles to the democratic process. 

So that is the first verse.. the State of our Unions.. It has nothing to do with politics.... suggest the unions should move away from electoral politics and see what happens... ain't that right Trumka? wink wink...

Here is the rest of the tune.... please consider buying the tune... or.. sharing it.. thanks..


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