Saturday, December 6, 2014

#Ferguson, Children

I wrote this after reading several posts on Facebook. I grew up Catholic and being a union organizer,.. I understand the Jesus story and many of the stories in the book. Noah, and that boat.. yep.. got it.

I am working on a ship, and I may never sail on it but the problem we are facing in this country is Biblical in proportion! So, I wanted to respond.. and I was also very mad. Mad at the many racist posts that I read. Many of them... hurt deeply...

and I needed some inspiration. So, I listened to Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech from Memphis. The one when he was speaking to a bunch of Garbage Men.. people who were making the point that they were men! People, humans! That speech and the story surrounding it might be my favorite MLK moment.

I wanted to be part of the conversation. I didn't want to participate in angry debate. So.. I wrote a song.. We are missing the point again.... still after all these years and experiences.. #blacklivesmatter

#wecantbreathe and we are all God's Children! 

#Ferguson, Children 20142914

It doesn’t take much to imagine,
the jest of the stories spoken.
A group of people standin’ around a criminal?
And the word it was resounding!
Go on and throw that rock,
yet you be the judge and the jury!

We’re missin’ the point again!
Cause?.. We can’t seem to look past the end of our swords.
We are all God’s Children!

(They), put Jesus up on the cross.
Flanked by two of the worst from the street.
He was jabbed, scorned and mocked by all.
His own people, standin’ in the street!
Yet, he cried out Father, forgive them,
They know not what they do.


And what about that Good Samaritan?
The message is BLACK and WHITE!
Two men of God were walkin’ by,
and they didn’t do nothin’
and I know it’s dangerous territory,
To possibly love thy enemy!
But how can it be against God’s law
to Love his Children!


(They) say Jesus died for our sins,
but I say he was executed!
And that put the word in action!
And the moral can’t be disputed!
It is WE that is up on that cross,
And a sickness has spread across this land!
When we fight for punishment and not forgiveness!


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