In, Kentucky...
Highlander school in Tennessee? What could be done and why does this all look familiar? Local folk musician John Gage is taking his Homefront performances over to Bellermine College to a celebration of Pete Seeger's life work. For Pete's Sake... All the Louisville activist groups in one tent!! There will be Greens, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, The Kentucky Industrial Workers of the World, The Anne Braden Kentucky Alliance, the Louisville Socialists, ect.ect... Kentucky Jobs with Justice is working on a minimum wage increase!!! WE GOT OUR EYES ON YOU!!!
Nathan Salsburg celebrates the Kentucky recordings of Alan Lomax. The KY IWW is bringing activist/labor folk musicians to town, their next project is the Sarah Ogan Gunning story. WTF! are you seeing RED... well Let's focus.... people! FOLKS!
The new folk revival should come from us.. Kentuckians!
.. is it happening now? I think it might be, but we should all work together!!!
My questions if Pete was here... How did y'all do it? How did it just seem to happen. Did you have an organized plan. For Pete's Sake let's do it again...
Education and training for the masses
We must undo what a few decades of no Child Left Behind has done to our recent generations! I have some idea's.. other people are doing and have done what we need to do.. let's do this some more.. the Folk Revival is happening again.. Why? Because we in Kentucky already know what we do best.. Sing! Dance! and have fun! We gotta fight for our right to party! wink.. wink.. a people's party! so...
"Yes, the long memory is the most radical idea in this country. It is the loss of that long memory which deprives our people of that connective flow of thoughts and events that clarifies our vision, not of where we're going, but where we want to go." Bruce "Utah" Phillips 1935 - 2008
So.. for Pete's sake.. lets push on.. lead on... in a massive attempt at taking back what is ours.. public ownership of public goods and services. Through serious community building and education!! Pete did it! The people.. We the People.. We must build our Sound Community!
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