Casey Jones the Union Scab 2013 To: Railroad Workers United
Fellow workers on the railroad get your head outta the sand,
about ifin when they gonna run one man!
Because there's a union culture of scabbery,
between the UTU and the BLE-t.
[ Chorus ]
Casey Jones, There's a lot of them around.
Casey Jones won't put the reverser down!
Casey Jones gonna stick it to me and you...
If we let em run trains with a one man crew.
This is the way Mr. Debs said it would be,
if we kept up with jurisdiction scabbery.
The carriers have it just the way they like,
with our 13 unions just itchin’ for a fight!
Back in the day, hell, we should have merged
and i'm here to tell ya we were actually on the verge,
of organizin' a union with incredible might!
now all we have is one hellava plight.
Casey Jones was in the UTU-e.
Casey said to hell with the B of LE!
If you don't know what I'm talkin about-
Better study up on our history!
The BLE, well they were afraid too.,
with the general committees screamin' what are we gonna do?
So they got together and kicked out their president,
and that's just a little of how the story went!
[ Chorus ]
Engineer, Conductor, Train Service Employee,
Utility road positions, a blurrin of craft autonomy!
Railroads have been thinkin years ahead.
While our unions seem to be playin dead!
Casey say's "they won't run one man!
The FRA and unions are gonna make a stand!"
but once we had 5 and now we only got 2,
when they sold us out and sidetracked the caboose!
[ Chorus ]
Well the conductors will say to Casey "won't you help us win the fight?"
but his is sure to say "you better go take a hike!"
“You stole my job with that RCO,
And if the telephone rings off to work i'll go!”
[ Chorus ]
Most of us say that we should all be One,
and that's a task that surely must be done!
So you better straighten up and open your eyes!
There ain’t nothin’ left to us but to ORGANIZE!